What is the best weather to pour concrete - Explained By Converge

May 3, 2023

The process of placing concrete is crucial to the overall strength, durability, and appearance of the finished product. Weather conditions play a significant role in determining the success of a concrete project, as factors such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation can greatly impact the curing process. 

In this article, we will discuss the best weather conditions for pouring concrete, as well as the ideal temperature and timing for optimal results.

Read more: We explain under water concreting and how humidity affects the concrete curing time.

What is the best weather to pour concrete? 

The best weather for pouring concrete is typically characterized by moderate temperatures, low humidity, and minimal wind. These conditions help to ensure that the concrete cures evenly and consistently, leading to a strong and durable finished product. Some key points to consider when attempting to find the optimal weather conditions for pouring concrete include:


The ideal temperature for pouring concrete is typically between 10°C (50°F) and 21°C (70°F). This range allows for the optimal curing process, as it enables the necessary chemical reactions to occur at a steady rate.

  1. Minimum temperature to pour concrete: It is generally recommended to avoid pouring concrete when temperatures fall below 4°C (40°F), as the curing process can be significantly slowed, leading to weaker concrete. In colder conditions, using insulated blankets or heated enclosures can help maintain the proper curing temperature.
  2. Maximum temperature to pour concrete: Pouring concrete in temperatures above 32°C (90°F) can also be problematic, as the increased heat can cause the concrete to cure too quickly, leading to a higher risk of cracking and reduced strength. In such cases, using cool water in the mix or scheduling the pour during cooler hours of the day can help mitigate these risks.

Read more: Learn more about concreting in hot temperatures and what happens to concrete when it freezes


The best weather to pour concrete is characterized by low to moderate humidity. High humidity can slow down the evaporation process, leading to a longer curing time and potential delays in construction. Low humidity, on the other hand, can cause the concrete to dry too quickly, increasing the risk of cracks and compromising its strength.


Dry weather is preferable for pouring concrete, as excessive rain or snow can cause the concrete mix to become diluted, resulting in a weaker finished product. If wet weather is expected, it is essential to plan accordingly and protect the concrete from direct contact with water, either by using temporary coverings or adjusting the construction schedule.


Calm conditions are ideal for pouring concrete, as high winds can accelerate the evaporation process, leading to rapid moisture loss and potential cracking. In windy weather, windbreaks or temporary barriers may be used to reduce the impact of wind on the curing process.

Picture of different types of weather

How to find the best time to pour concrete

Considering these factors, the best time to pour concrete is when the weather conditions are most favorable for optimal curing. Some tips for determining the best time to pour concrete include:

  1. Monitoring weather forecasts

Keeping a close eye on local weather forecasts can help you plan your concrete pour during periods of optimal weather conditions, ensuring a higher likelihood of a successful project.

  1. Time of day

Scheduling your concrete pour during the cooler hours of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon, can help avoid the challenges associated with extreme temperatures.

  1. Seasonal considerations

In some regions, certain times of the year may be more conducive to successful concrete pours, such as spring or fall when temperatures are typically more moderate. However, it is essential to account for local climate variations and adjust your planning accordingly.

  1. Flexibility

Being prepared to adjust your construction schedule based on changing weather conditions is crucial for a successful concrete project. Flexibility in your timeline can help ensure that the concrete is poured and cured under the most favorable conditions.

Read more: We explain how to measure the temperature of concrete and the long term effects of hot climates and cold climates on concrete.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best month to pour concrete?

The best month to pour concrete will differ depending on where in the world you are located. But in most countries the optimal months to pour concrete are June, September and sometimes also October. 

Can you pour concrete when it is raining?

Rain is not optimal weather conditions for concreting, but if you have a tight schedule and it is supposed to rain for days, it is possible. Learn more about how to place concrete in the rain and how to protect it from rain and frost in our articles. 

Can I pour concrete in cold weather?

Yes, it is possible to pour concrete in cold weather, even in freezing conditions. But there are specific precautions that must be taken to ensure a desirable result.

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