Using technology in construction to make concreting sustainable |

May 29, 2023

In recent years, the construction industry has seen significant advancements in sustainable technology, particularly in the area of concrete technology. There are growing concerns about the environmental impact of traditional concreting methods. Therefore there are recent trends in concrete technology that have led to the development of more eco-friendly solutions. 

In this article, we explore four cutting-edge technologies that are making the process of concreting more sustainable:

  1. ConcreteDNA
  2. CarbonCure Technology
  3. Self-healing Concrete
  4. Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Read more: We explain how to use recycled concrete and discuss sustainable concrete mixes.


One of the most innovative technologies in the construction industry today is ConcreteDNA. This digital technology in construction utilises:

  1. Sensors: Embedded within the concrete to monitor temperature and humidity levels
  2. Data Analytics: Analyses the collected data to predict strength development
  3. Real-time Insights: Allows for optimal curing conditions and reduced material waste

By providing real-time insights into the curing process, ConcreteDNA enables construction professionals to make more informed decisions, ultimately leading to reduced resource consumption and a more sustainable approach to concreting. 

By using these sensors, construction companies can measure the performance of the concrete and only make it as performant as it needs to be for the specific schedule rather than over-performant. This leads to the possibility of minimising the use of cement. 

The ConcreteDNA logo with a black background

CarbonCure Technology

Another breakthrough in sustainable technology in construction is CarbonCure Technology. This innovative process involves:

  1. CO2 Sequestration: Capturing industrial CO2 emissions before they enter the atmosphere
  2. Mineralisation: Injecting the captured CO2 into the concrete mix, where it reacts with calcium ions to form calcium carbonate
  3. Strength Enhancement: The formation of calcium carbonate increases the compressive strength of the concrete

By utilising captured CO2, CarbonCure Technology helps to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete production, contributing to the overall sustainability of the construction industry.

Self-healing Concrete

Innovation and technology in the construction industry have led to the development of self-healing concrete, a material that can repair its own cracks without human intervention. This remarkable concrete technology works through the following mechanisms:

  1. Bacterial Spores: Embedded within the concrete mix, these spores remain dormant until a crack appears
  2. Nutrient Release: When exposed to water, the spores germinate and consume nutrients within the concrete
  3. Calcite Formation: As the bacteria feed, they produce calcite, which fills and seals the cracks

The ability of self-healing concrete to repair itself not only extends the lifespan of structures but also reduces the need for maintenance and repair, contributing to the overall sustainability of construction projects.

Recycled Aggregate Concrete

The use of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is another example of technology in construction that promotes sustainability. RAC involves:

  1. Waste Material Reuse: Incorporating waste materials, such as demolished concrete or industrial by-products, as aggregate in new concrete mixes
  2. Resource Conservation: Reducing the demand for virgin raw materials and minimising waste disposal
  3. Eco-friendly Production: Lowering the carbon footprint and energy consumption associated with concrete manufacturing

Recycled aggregate concrete contributes to a circular economy, promoting resource efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of the construction industry.

Read more: How to make concrete more sustainable and read our summary of the PAS 2080

The future of sustainable technology in construction

In conclusion, the growing emphasis on sustainability in the construction sector has spurred the development of innovative concrete technologies. ConcreteDNA by Converge, CarbonCure Technology, self-healing concrete, and recycled aggregate concrete are just a few examples of recent trends in concrete technology that are paving the way for a more sustainable future. 

As we continue to witness the adoption of digital technology in construction, the focus on sustainable technology in construction will only increase, ultimately driving the industry towards a more eco-friendly and resource-efficient future.

Frequently asked questions

How can we achieve sustainability in concrete?

Achieving sustainability in concrete involves using eco-friendly technologies like recycled aggregates, CO2 reduction methods, and self-repairing concrete. These approaches save resources and lower environmental impact.

What are sustainable construction techniques?

Sustainable construction techniques focus on green materials, energy-saving designs, waste reduction, and renewable energy. These methods reduce the environmental footprint and encourage eco-friendly practices.

What is the role of technology in sustainable construction?

Technology in sustainable construction improves resource efficiency, cuts waste, and enhances building performance. It supports sustainable practices and the development of innovative, green materials.

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