The Concrete cube test: Benefits and challenges

October 15, 2023

In the world of concreting, quality assurance is paramount. This assurance helps create robust, long-lasting structures. One of the popular methods used to achieve this is the concrete cube test. Highly favoured by industry professionals, the test comes with its unique advantages. 

However, it is not without its challenges. These complexities and the concrete cube test benefits will be the focus of our discussion.

Read more: We make comparisons between cube testing and cylinder testing as well as between using sensors and cube testing.

Concrete cubes in a testing lab

Concrete Cube Test Benefits: Quality and Versatility

The concrete cube test benefits are multifaceted and add considerable value to the concreting process. Here are some reasons why the test is preferred:

Quality Assurance

The cube test's primary purpose is to assess the strength of the concrete. This ensures that the concrete meets the required strength standards. This is particularly crucial in guaranteeing the long-term structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure projects.


The cube test is not limited to a particular type of concrete mix. Instead, it can verify the quality of various types, from standard ready-mix to high-strength concretes. This broad application spectrum makes it a versatile tool for industry professionals.


The cube test offers more than just strength assurance. It allows us to predict how the concrete will behave under various load conditions. This provides essential data for designers and engineers, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding material usage and structural design.

These concrete cube test benefits make it a reliable choice for stakeholders looking to ensure the quality of their construction projects. But, as with any process, there are challenges to be faced.

Read more: We explain what the Maturity Method is and go over three different methods to measure concrete maturity.

The Cube Test: Not Without Its Challenges

While the concrete cube test benefits are evident, it's equally important to acknowledge the challenges it presents:


The cube test is not an instantaneous process. It takes 28 days to yield complete results. This duration can introduce potential delays into the project timeline, especially when immediate decisions are needed based on concrete strength.

Space Requirements

Storage for the test cubes requires considerable space. This requirement can be a significant challenge, especially when working in confined areas or urban environments where space is a luxury.


Regular testing, while advantageous, can also become an expense over time. This is because it requires resources such as the materials for the test cubes, the testing equipment itself, and trained personnel to carry out the tests and interpret the results.

These challenges don't negate the concrete cube test benefits but provide a balanced perspective on its use in concreting.

Read more: We explain the differences between in-situ concrete and lab cured concrete and how sensors improve measuring concrete maturity.

Is there a better alternative with minimal challenges?

When it comes to assessing the quality of concrete, the traditional approach has often involved cube tests. However, with advancements in technology, smart sensors are emerging as a more efficient alternative. Here's why using smart sensors is proving advantageous:

1. Real-time Monitoring

Unlike cube tests, which offer a snapshot in time, smart sensors can monitor the concrete continuously. This means you can get real-time updates about the concrete's curing process, making it easier to identify issues at an early stage.

2. Greater Accuracy

Cube tests can be subject to human errors, be it in the preparation, storage, or testing phase. Smart sensors, on the other hand, provide consistent measurements, reducing the chances of inaccuracies.

3. Reduced Labour & Time

Preparing, storing, and then testing cubes is labour-intensive and time-consuming. Smart sensors can be embedded directly into the concrete, automating much of the monitoring process and freeing up time for other tasks.

Addressing Common Challenges with Cube Tests:

  1. A. Variability in Results: Cube tests can show variation due to differences in curing conditions or test procedures. Smart sensors ensure a standardised monitoring environment, leading to more consistent results.

  1. B. Waiting for Results: Often, you need to wait for 7 or 28 days to get results from cube tests. With sensors, continuous data allows for early decision-making.

  1. C. Storage Issues: Cube samples need to be stored under specific conditions to prevent them from drying or getting damaged. Sensors, once embedded, don't require any such special care.

Read more: Can you trust the maturity method and we explain AI and concrete maturity sensors.

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